Embracing the Unexpected

Apologies for the late newsletter. I am thankful for the abundance, but my workload overwhelmed me over the last month. The next week is a time of release. When the Sun enters the sign of Aries on March 19, it starts the astrological year. When you cast a chart in a nation's capital, you can forecast upcoming events for the country. I am teaching a free webinar for Kepler College on March 23 about the Aries Ingress 2024: The Fortunes of a Nation. The Transits Class for Kepler begins on April 6. There are limited seats, so enroll now if you want to take the class.

My work is changing in surprising ways. I am getting clearer psychic downloads. My progressed ascendant moved into Virgo, and it is bringing the details. Stories are coming. It is absolutely wild. I am on a Fool's journey of new beginnings. With an Aries Moon, I jumped in and made predictions on Threads. Aries energy encourages us to take calculated risks, be brave, and pioneer new paths. I am making my own map, walking on a tightrope. A few have materialized – Mike Tyson made news, the New York subway has National Guard patrols, and a date rape scandal emerged in Atlanta. I am also making mistakes.

I talked about Icarus on last week's Celestial Insights podcast. He ignored his inventor father, Daedalus, who created a device to help them escape Crete. Icarus flew too close to the Sun, and the beeswax that held his wings together melted, and he fell into the sea and died. Impulsiveness is shadow Aries energy. Well, I melted some of my beeswax with some poor choices. I have course corrected.

Mercury retrograde in Aries is coming in hot. This transit will bring delays, reversals, and communication mix-ups. Aries rules conflict and competition. Slow down and double-check that everything is the advice. The official dates are April 1 - April 25, but stories will start sooner. Listen to this week's podcast to learn more. I expect big stories about transportation accidents, sports upsets, protests blocking traffic, increasing gun violence, and more. Conflicts may gain national attention on the New York subway, UC Berkeley campus, and Texas highways. Please stay safe and listen to your Spidey senses and body wisdom; they are there to protect you.

I hope you had a wonderful New Moon. Pisces energy is compassionate, intuitive, and forgiving. It is the zodiac's last sign, and this mutable, adaptable energy ushers in endings. What are you ready to release that is no longer serving you? Connect with your inner world. Magic resides in liminal spaces. There is dreamy and romantic energy; if you are looking for love, remember you can change your life with a smile or a hello. We are in eclipse season. Come for an astrology consultation if you want to discuss what may show up for you.

Use these prompts for contemplation, journaling, or oracle/ tarot card spreads:

πŸ₯… Consider your big dream. What results do you want by the first quarter Moon on December 8? Be specific about how you will measure success.

🎈 Is your imagination healthy, or do you let fear of the unknown overwhelm you? Use tools to ground your energy.

πŸ€” Focus on your energetic boundaries. How do you protect yourself from negativity?

🎡 The song of the lunation is Dream On by Aerosmith





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