Keep Calm and Carry On

Happy New Moon! Apologies for the late newsletter; unexpected projects put me behind. The Moon is at home in Cancer, which rules home, family, and security. The Moon’s job is to feel, emote, and intuit. The natal Moon’s condition in the chart indicates our reigning needs.  If you are interested in a deep dive into all things about the Moon for a more abundant life, join me for the OPA retreat in Park City, Utah, for a Moon Mastery™ intensive. Email me at [email protected] if you want to set up a discovery call to determine if it is right for you.

Today is a beautiful day to call someone, tell them you love them, and remind them of their outstanding qualities. There are two opportunistic sextiles active for the next few days. Lovely Venus in Cancer to surprising Uranus, and communicative Mercury is to expansive Jupiter.

The most significant transit is the meetup of competitive Mars and shocking Uranus on July 15 at 26° Taurus.  These two meet every two years to merge their energy and begin a new cycle.  This one is especially notable for a few reasons. Malefic Mars is in detriment in Taurus meaning it can act in extreme ways that do damage. Uranus awakens and excites us abruptly. Together, they can bring exciting competition, daredevil stunts, marathon sexcapades, and feats of strength. Be aware of the potential for freak accidents or explosive anger. You may hear people suggest outlandish and over-the-top actions. If your lover requests something unusual and surprising, it’s the energy baby.

This energy is intensified by the fact they are meeting on Algol, the feared “beheading” star. Notice when you see people losing their heads emotionally this month. It is also called the Medusa star and is associated with the Lilith archetype of women who will not be subservient.

This conjunction happens in President Biden’s sixth house of burdens opposite his Scorpio Sun-Venus conjunction in his 12th house of self-undoing.  Due to his poor debate performance, many are demanding he step down, and donors are cutting off the money (Taurus). He says he is staying.

The meetup is at Donald Trump’s public career point, the midheaven. The Heritage Foundation’s Project 25 is the reported GOP playbook for if he wins the election. This plan is getting scrutiny and attention because it would radically reshape the American government and limit personal freedoms. The Republican National Convention begins on July 15; if you tune in, consider the themes of this transit. As always. listen to this week’s Celestial Insights podcast for more details on how to surf the current energies like a boss.

Mercury enters its retrograde shadow on July 15. The official retrograde is August 4 to 28, and it will be a wild and potentially productive ride. Join the brilliant Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady, and me on Instagram Live on Tuesday, June 23, at 10 a.m. PT. 

Purchase the recording of the Cancer New Moon workshop for a deeper dive into what this lunation means for you, receive intention-setting guidance, and learn more about Algol. Use these prompts for contemplation, journaling, or oracle/ tarot card spreads:

🥅 Consider your childhood conditioning. Which learnings make you proud? What unhealthy behaviors would you like to change?

🕊️ What is your relationship with intuition? Do you trust your gut instincts?

🤔 How can you communicate your emotions in healthier and more effective ways?

🎵 The song of the lunation is Daughters by John Mayer





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