Truth Heals

Apologies for being late with the blog.  I have been tangled in the transits and Mercury retrograde delays. I am honored and delighted to present Moon Mastery™ for the Organization of Professional Astrology (OPA) Retreat in Park City, Utah, from Oct 16 -21. The early bird pricing was extended until May 15.  It is going to be a phenomenal event. Each track is limited to nine people; if you know you want to study with me or one of the other astrologers, don’t hesitate to register.

I could write for hours about all the Apr 20th Jupiter-Uranus conjunction events, but I will focus on a few.  These aspects do not happen in a vacuum. On April 19th, persuasive Venus and communicative Mercury retrograde met in fiery Aries. Together, they collaborate and negotiate. On April 20, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 21 Taurus arrived. Jupiter rules wealth, aid, legal affairs, college campuses, horses, and celebrities.  Uranus rules aviation, revolts, reversals, and sudden shocks. Taurus governs land and resources.  On April 21, the Taurus Sun tensely squared power-hungry Pluto in Aquarius. News stories:

  • Columbia University students erected the Gaza Solidarity encampments protest in response to the female (Venus) President’s testimony (Mercury) to Congress. The students set up tents on campus property (Taurus). Similar tent cities spread to campuses nationwide. This eclipse season is the same as in the Saros family in 1970 when Kent State occurred. Back then, students protesting the Vietnam War had deadly interactions with the National Guard.  Tensions are exceedingly high on campuses from coast to coast. Canceled or reworked graduation ceremonies are likely coming.
  • After months of delays (Mercury Rx), the House of Representatives passed the Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan aid bills. The Democrats broke tradition (Uranus) to help the Republican House Speaker pass the bill. The forced TikTok sale is also included.  Pluto governs catastrophes like war and manipulation, as the government suspects TikTok is doing.
  • Last week, Donald Trump’s hush (Mercury retrograde) money (Venus) trial began. The former head of the National Enquirer was the first witness this Monday. The tabloid pays (Venus) for celebrities' dirty secrets (Mercury Retrograde). Astrology is so literal. Also, a man set himself on fire (Aries) outside the courthouse. He used the celebrity trial to bring attention to his conspiracy theories. It was shocking.
  • The Transportation Department ruled that airlines must automatically refund your payment if flights are canceled or delayed more than three hours. Yeah!
  • The Federal Trade Commission voted to ban most noncompete clauses. This will increase the wealth potential of workers.
  • 5 of King Charles's horses got loose and ran through the streets of central London, injuring themselves, people, and automobiles.
  • Harvey Weinstein's conviction for rape (Pluto) was overturned on the day Mercury was stationed direct. It was retrograde in mutable Pisces when he was convicted on Feb 24, 2020. Venus was at 19 Aries, the same degree as Apr 8th’s solar eclipse. Big-money donors are suspending their funding for elite institutions.

As eclipse season starts to wind down, what hard truths came to your conscious attention over the last six weeks? A prominent feature of this time is that Mercury was retrograde in the sign of Aries, which is blunt, direct, and potentially combative. There is an opportunity for healing. Scorpio is a water sign known for its intensity, rules, power dynamics, obsession, sex, and death.  This Full Moon invites us to examine the shadows and investigate what we would rather ignore.  It is time for a purge. What do you need to release because it is no longer serving you? 

Come for an astrology consultation if you would like to discuss what is emerging. For a deeper dive into astrology, listen to the Celestial Insights podcast.

Use these prompts for contemplation, journaling, or oracle/ tarot card spreads:

✨The solar eclipse of April 8 was in Aries, whose statement is I AM. How do you want to transform your relationship with yourself?

đź’—How do you get your perceived needs met? Are your tactics fair or manipulation?

🔥What ideas are you most passionate about? Are your thoughts healthy or obsessive?

🎵The song of the Full Moon is Sweet Honey Buckiin’ by Beyonce.


Happy Full Moon,


[email protected]


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