Running with Scissors

Happy Full Moon in Cancer! Our lunar teacher sits on her throne at maximum wattage. The Moon rules this sign that governs home, family, and feelings. Some will be extra emotional and tender. Notice sentiments of nostalgia, longing, self-pity, and regret. Understand that water signs are mute; sometimes, it is hard to put emotions into words. Treat yourself and others gently. Use the illumination to consider how insecurity, rejection fears, and safety desires motivate your actions.

This lunation is a perfect time to explore your tender psyche and what sets off emotional reactions within you. Venus in investigative Scorpio is in a smooth trine with sensitive Neptune. You may have uncomfortable revelations about your behavior in relationships. Our shadows help us grow. Communicative Mercury is retrograde and conjunct warlord Mars in expansive Sagittarius. Notice what you decide to stop doing. Mars rules sharp instruments, and Mercury rules the hands. Don’t run with scissors, multitask w...

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Facing your Fears

Please take the opportunity to ease into 2023; the energy is tumultuous. The double retrograde of the action planet Mars and communication planet Mercury is bringing scheduling delays, hassles, reversals, and unexpected burdens. Stable Saturn and chaotic Uranus also have a secret conflict; the contra parallel. Structures we thought we could depend on will continue to break down. People will fight against oppression, and some will cause upheaval seemingly without a cause. When frustrated, realize that the tension will lighten by the end of the month.   

For myself, a power outage brought two days of stress but relatively minor inconveniences. As I write, the Bay Area is experiencing an apocalyptic storm, so keep us in your thoughts. Also, there were over 20 nominations for the ISAR board. The board cut the list to 7 for voting, and I am not on the ballot. The selected candidates are top-notch.  

Athletes are martial figures. Football player Damar Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest dur...

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The Love Within

The Moon rules the zodiac sign of Cancer. This sign has dominion over home, family, foundations, and ancestry. We first learn about love from our families. The Full Moon at 27º Cancer on January 17 at 3:48 pm PT invites us to explore our relationship with self-love. If we don’t nourish ourselves, how can we express healthy love for anyone else? The Full Moon’s engagement with primal Pluto offers self-empowerment to examine the shadows with a goal of healing.

Venus in Capricorn is still retrograde until January 29, so reflection on our relationships and values is on the cosmic menu. Mercury in Aquarius begins his backstep on Friday, February 14. This cycle could be especially mischievous since Uranus, the ruler of electronics, is stopped from our perspective during the Full Moon. The station period intensifies the chaotic energy of the still active Saturn Uranus square. Unexpected breakdowns and frustrations are possible. You know the drill. Don’t rush anywhere. Arrive early at meeting...

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