Do you feel the momentum picking up? Get used to it, as this year is going to fly by. The latest Mercury retrograde revelation is that the US Secretary of Defense kept secret an operation to treat prostate cancer. The surgery was on December 22, when Mercury was retrograde. Surgery is ill-advised when Mercury or Mars is moving in reverse motion. Mercury rules the hands and Mars the scalpel. Retrogrades indicate problems, conflicts, reversals, and the collapse of anything contemplated. On January 1, he was re-hospitalized as Mercury turned forward to stomp over its old ground and spill secrets. His urinary tract infection came to light as Mercury in Sagittarius tensely squared Neptune in Pisces. Mercury transports, and Neptune in Pisces weakness dues to infection. Astrology is literal. Will he lose his job for jeopardizing the security of the nation? We shall see if he can survive the first quarter Moon in Aries. This zodiac sign rules the military.
Chaos broke out in Ecuador when a ...
Happy Holidays! I am back from my trip and feeling refreshed. It was beautiful to see the night sky clearly in Mexico, especially watching the Full Moon passes over Mars Rx in Gemini. I discussed several stories related to this lunation on Instagram. However, the clearest one involves international politics, with two martial figures taking flights home. Brittney Griner, the basketball player, imprisoned in a Russian penal colony for having cannabis in her luggage, was swapped for an arms dealer nicknamed the Merchant of Death. Astrology is often literal.
The earth sign of Capricorn rules ambition, responsibility, and success. The sea goat has the persistence and determination to keep going despite setbacks. I suggest focusing on your top goals for 2023 and slowly building an action plan. T...
Happy New Year! This year starts with a supportive flash of lightning in a bottle. Genius creating Uranus offers support to your big dreams for 2022. Our challenge will be to keep momentum when we face Saturnian setbacks. The last Saturn Uranus square on Christmas eve was a doozy.  The Omicron variant brought chaos to the holiday season. As anticipated, structures have broken down unexpectedly:
The good news is that the square is separating. We will eventually begin to see relief until late summer, when the square begins to tighten again. The USA midterm elections will be a doozy.
There are exciting transits to anticipate. Jupiter and Neptune are both at home and will meet at 24Âş Pisces on April 12. I am excited about art, film, and litera...
Are you ready for a reset? On Sunday, the summer solstice marked a time of new energy. I loved the harmonious water trio in the sky between the Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Pisces Jupiter. Use this energy for visioning, inspiration, and healing. The caution is letting emotional waves overwhelm you. Get outside in nature if you start to feel the blues or rage brewing. Follow the sign of the Moon for additional insight into your mood shifts as the Sun reports into our costume-changing lunar teacher until July 22. She has a new attitude every 2.5 days.
Get ready to party as the Summer of Love 2021 is here. Mars and Venus, the planets of romance and desire, meet for the first time in two years in fiery and fun Leo on July 13. There is a call to joy but use your good sense. You may want to say no to any invite that includes the word rave, wild or massive, as Uranus, the planet of chaos, is bringing it. Be especially careful on July 4 as the Taurus Moon activates the Saturn Uranus s...
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