Do you feel the momentum picking up? Get used to it, as this year is going to fly by. The latest Mercury retrograde revelation is that the US Secretary of Defense kept secret an operation to treat prostate cancer. The surgery was on December 22, when Mercury was retrograde. Surgery is ill-advised when Mercury or Mars is moving in reverse motion. Mercury rules the hands and Mars the scalpel. Retrogrades indicate problems, conflicts, reversals, and the collapse of anything contemplated. On January 1, he was re-hospitalized as Mercury turned forward to stomp over its old ground and spill secrets. His urinary tract infection came to light as Mercury in Sagittarius tensely squared Neptune in Pisces. Mercury transports, and Neptune in Pisces weakness dues to infection. Astrology is literal. Will he lose his job for jeopardizing the security of the nation? We shall see if he can survive the first quarter Moon in Aries. This zodiac sign rules the military.
Chaos broke out in Ecuador when a ...
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