Finding Unknown Birth Times

Unlock the Secrets of Your Cosmic Blueprint: Chart Rectification

Astrology holds a unique power to illuminate life’s mysteries—even when the precise time of your birth remains unknown. Through the art of chart rectification, astrologers piece together life’s pivotal moments to reverse-engineer your birth chart, unlocking its full potential. This fascinating process blends intuition, analysis, and celestial guidance. With expertise and passion, Celeste Brooks of Astrology by Celeste invites you to explore this transformative journey.

What Is Chart Rectification?

Chart rectification is the delicate art of pinpointing unknown birth times by aligning significant life events with astrological markers such as transits, progressions, solar arcs, and eclipses. Imagine it as solving a cosmic puzzle: milestones like marriage, relocations, career shifts, or unexpected life changes become the pieces that, when combined with celestial insights, reveal the precise moment you...

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