If you celebrate it, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Sagittarius season should be joyful. Jupiter, the planet of abundance and blessings, rules the sign. It was challenging for many as last week included two difficult transits. The Sun and Mars in Sagittarius made tense squares with Saturn in Pisces. The Sun focuses our attention. Mars invokes movement, conflicts, and accidents. Saturn imprisons, delays, and disappoints but brings achievement after hard work.
The biggest story is that there were several rounds of hostages released from Gaza in exchange for a ceasefire, aid to Gaza, and the release of Palestinian prisoners. Sagittarius is associated with freedom. How beautiful to see (Sun) people running (Mars) to their loved ones after a horrific ordeal (Saturn). There were several delays, but they extended the deal extra days. The collaboration enhanced by Venus in Libra is not likely to last. The planet of peace will meet the South Node, a cosmic drain on November 29; the...
It is hard to believe that 2022 is coming to a close; how time flies! I am starting a two-week vacation as a docent at my favorite wellness spa as I write this. Airy Gemini rules communication and transportation. The Reporter, the Social Butterfly, and the Gossip are archetypes. The ability to absorb numerous facts and communicate them concisely with panache is a Gemini superpower. How perfect that I will give directions and my opinion on which activities will suit the tastes of new guests. I need the downtime as I live the life of the Two of Pentacles tarot card. It needs to stop. You can only juggle so many balls in the air before a few start to hit the floor. In part, I will use the time to consider how I can most effectively use my energy to benefit myself and the community I serve.
This lunation is tricky. Passionate, fiery Mars is retrograde and tightly conjunct the Moon and opposite the Sagittarius Sun. In mundane astrology, the Moon rules the people, and the Sun rules the...
I love the rhythmic nature of the astrology cycles.Ā The cosmos invites us to evolve, and the lunar nodes are teachers. They travel backward through the zodiac for 18 months. Since May 2020, the Gemini/ Sagittarius axis of information has been in the limelight.Ā The collective work of integrating new ideas leading into the release of entrenched thinking ends soon.Ā On Saturday, December 18, 8:35 pm PT, the finalĀ 2021 Full Moon debuts. It is the last one in the Mercury-ruled air sign of Gemini before the North Node moves into Venus-ruled Taurus to spotlight our resources and values. Are there nagging self-limiting stories that you want to release?Ā Well, Venus in Capricorn will assist! She stations for her retrograde on the day of this lunation.
From December 19 until January 29, she will dance backward in heels. Venusian topics for review, reassessment, and revision include our money, values, and relationships. This tango promises intensity as her partner is obsessive Pluto.Ā The Lor...
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