Keeping it Simple

The Taurus New Moon invites us to slow down, get embodied, and focus on the practical. This is a much-needed shift after a super intense eclipse season. I encourage you to focus on one or two intentions about what you want to bring to fruition.  Taurus, being a fixed earth sign, encourages us to focus on what is sustainable over time. This lunation is conjunct Uranus, promising awakenings, sudden events, surprises, and reversals.  Can you be flexible and wear the world loosely? To dive deeper into these insights, you can now purchase the recording of the New Moon workshop.

As a faculty member for the Organization of Professional Astrology retreat in Park City, Utah, I am thrilled to invite you to this transformative event, which will take place from October 16 to 21. The early bird pricing has been extended until May 15, offering you a unique opportunity to join at a discounted rate. I will be teaching a Moon Mastery™ intensive, a session that promises to deepen...

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