Rumor Has ItĀ 


It is hard to believe that 2022 is coming to a close; how time flies! I am starting a two-week vacation as a docent at my favorite wellness spa as I write this. Airy Gemini rules communication and transportation. The Reporter, the Social Butterfly, and the Gossip are archetypes. The ability to absorb numerous facts and communicate them concisely with panache is a Gemini superpower. How perfect that I will give directions and my opinion on which activities will suit the tastes of new guests. I need the downtime as I live the life of the Two of Pentacles tarot card. It needs to stop. You can only juggle so many balls in the air before a few start to hit the floor. In part, I will use the time to consider how I can most effectively use my energy to benefit myself and the community I serve.

This lunation is tricky. Passionate, fiery Mars is retrograde and tightly conjunct the Moon and opposite the Sagittarius Sun. In mundane astrology, the Moon rules the people, and the Sun...

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