On the Celestial Insights podcastĀ dated June 26, I forecast that we might have surprising legal cases. Three stunning Supreme Court decisions reflected the First Quarter Moon (FQM) in Libraā€™s aspectsā€”the sign oversees justice, artists, and marriage. FQM phases are times when we take action. In the astrology chart, Jupiter (judges) in Taurus (money, resources, artists) was in a smooth sextile with Saturn retrograde (authority rolling back judgments) in Pisces (forgiveness, atonement, oneness, and slavery). In addition, Mercury in Gemini was in a tense square with Neptune in Pisces, Mars in Leo squared Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune slowed down to station retrograde on Friday. The Associated Press is paraphrased below in italics.
The Court killed President Joe Bidenā€™s $400 billion plan to cancel or reduce federal student loan debts & ended affirmative action in higher education.
- Mercury in Gemini rules students. Neptune governs forgiveness and atonement for past wrongs. Mars kills, ...
I am pleased to report that my trip back east to visit high school friends was joyful and soul-nourishing. We fell back into step as though we had not been apart for decades. So far, positive new beginnings were delivered as promised by the solar eclipse in my 11th house of good fortune. However, the lunar eclipse at 25Āŗ Scorpio on May 15th at 9:13pm PT is a time for release, and it is intense.
Watery Scorpio never does anything light or easy. This sign initiates growth by traveling into the heart of darkness. The Phoenix promises transformation and pushes our psyches in uncomfortable ways. I am facing my shadows through my dreams. Uncomfortable topics around self-worth and intimacy that I thought healed have resurfacedā€”Mercury retrogrades during the eclipse and treads over old ground. The way forward is through the shadows of the past.
Lunar eclipses shed light on darkness. Be prepared for unearthed secrets in the collective and potentially your own life. The Taurus Sun is spotlight...
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