Pisces is the zodiac's last sign, and its mutable watery energy contains all twelve zodiac signs. This mystical and otherworldly force may bring up desires to escape the practical realities of life. It is not a time to overthink; it's a time to feel and experience. Consider events this weekend where you can participate in silence. A long hike, bike ride, afternoon delight, music concert, or art museum are perfect choices.
This lunation activates lightning bolt Uranus and oceanic Neptune. Be prepared for surprises, unexpected disappearing acts, or revelations that things are not as they seemed. Pay attention to the weather as intense storms are possible. People are experiencing extreme weather across the world. I have my eye on Hurricane Earl. The current forecast spares the US east coast, but with Mercury in airy Libra stationing retrograde, we shall see. When planets station to go retrograde, reversals are possible. Review your emergency plan, fill your gas tank, and stock up on su...
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