My view of astrology is that the planetary patterns do not cause anything; they reflect what is happening here on Earth. As above, so below. Part of my work is being an astrological correspondent, explaining what happened and indicating what may come next. I do this for the news and my clients with my work.
While the solar eclipse is exciting for many, there are challenging transits. Any hesitation, do not go. If you travel to see it, be prepared for delays, reversals, and cellular breakdowns. Storms may be worse than expected with Mars and Saturn conjunct in watery Pisces. I suggest you have plenty of food, water, and a fully charged cell phone, and don't let your gas tank get below half full. Consider bringing adult diapers. I am kidding, but not really.
This eclipse is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. For insight into healing the wound based on your natal chart, join the solar eclipse workshop on Sunday. Also, Aries rules the eyes, if you look at the eclipse make sure you h...
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