Course Correction

The upcoming astrological events, particularly the first of three corrections as expansive Jupiter tensely squares restrictive Saturn on August 19, December 24, and June 15, 2025, are significant. Jupiter, symbolizing ethics, freedom, wealth, and expansion, is in a tense square with Saturn, the planet of tradition, structure, punishment, and contraction. It is a perfect time to trim the excess, as the pressure is set to build over the next two weeks.

Jupiter governs judges and foreign places. President Biden’s proposal for term limits and binding ethics rules for Supreme Court judges aligns with this transit. Success in the multinational coordination for the prison swap is also on point. This energy helps us bring the bigger picture to realistic results, but the path may be difficult. Reality checks, getting sober, starting new health regimes, accountability, and financial belt-tightening are an energetic match.

Communicative Mercury in health-focused Virgo turns retrograde from Augu...

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Buckle Up Buttercup!

I was interviewed last year for a Cosmopolitan Magazine article about the astrology of twins. Seeing it published as Venus retrograde in Leo perfected its second of 3 squares with Uranus conjunct my natal Mercury in Taurus was a delight. Venus rules women, Leo celebrities, Mercury magazines, and Uranus fame. If Our Birth Charts Say So Much About Us, Why Am I So Different From My Twin? was published the in a world-famous women's magazine. I was quoted alongside the Astro Twins, celebrity astrologers. Astrology is literal! The first square was July 3. Did you have a surprise event or awakening around relationships, money, values, beauty, or self-esteem? If there was an echo in your life last week on August 8/9, the story might have another event around the final transit on September 29.

The planetary VIP this week and the upcoming New Moon is Uranus which does not follow conventional rules. As per NASA:

Uranus is the only planet whose equator is nearly at a right angle to its orbit. ...

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Do you feel the pressure increasing? The current energy reminds me of the Spike Lee Joint, Do the Right Thing. It is sweltering and tempers are simmering. We are on the precipice of a seemingly preventable but inevitable tectonic shift. Uranus, the great awakener and bringer of sudden events, will meet the karmic North Node at 18 Taurus on July 31. The next day Mars, the planet of action, passion, conflict, and anger, will collide with them both. Abrupt and unexpected change is possible. Consider watching the movie with this transit in mind. Fearless with Jeff Bridges and Rosie Perez is another. Several of my clients already know their stories. Do you? Which house is it in your chart? What planets is the triple conjunction aspecting? Will you hit a figurative jackpot, or will it feel more like a fender bender? If you want my quick insights, use my new feature, Ask Me Anything! I will tape a short video for you.

Events will make big news, whether by natural or man-made disasters. ...

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Creating Joy!

Last month was a bumpy and exhilarating ride. Jupiter, the cosmic Santa, temporarily dropped its cape and left the ecstasy of Pisces for the limitations of Aquarius.  Like clockwork, mask regulations returned in the US. Thankfully, the planetary reversal is temporary. On December 28, the planet of good fortune returns home. Fingers crossed that we receive relief before then.

In addition, each of the personal planets opposed restriction-loving Saturn and then squared off with wild card Uranus. If you felt this disruptive energy, did you break down or break through? I would love to hear your stories. Reply to this email if you would like to share your experience.

Good news! The New Moon at 16Âş Leo on August 8 at 6:49am PT coincides with the annual Lion's Gate portal. Sirius, the second brightest star in the sky, is rising, and the numerology is on point. 8/ 8 offers endless possibilities. I suggest setting the alarm to meditate on the dream you have for your life at the exact time of...

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