Breathing Room

Last week’s big news was the guilty verdict in the Trump trial. I predicted the verdict date of May 30 when Mercury and Uranus met at Donald Trump’s midheaven (MC) square his Mars. The MC is the most public place in the chart, and a communication shock that enrages a person is on the brand. I was too nervous to predict the verdict as there was a foggy Neptunian haze over the trial chart. I recorded a YouTube video that details the astrological influences at play.

Trickster Mercury landed in its Gemini home on Monday, where it can easily express its energy. Have you had to do things twice? Gemini is a doubled-body sign that enjoys repetition. We have an extra boost to clear, deliberate thinking and speech until June 17. The caution is not to get too scattered this mutable air sign is easily distracted by shiny objects.

 I am thrilled to participate in the Stardust Mystical Faire at the Breathing Room in Alameda on Saturday, June 29th, 1 – 5 pm. The address is...

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