Get ready for forward motion! Action planet Mars finally turned direct at 8º Gemini (mutable air) on January 12, and this Wednesday, chatterbox Mercury goes direct at 8º Capricorn (cardinal earth). These two signs are quincunx, an irritation that needs adjustment. They have nothing in common by sign, modality (cardinal, fixed, mutable), or element (fire, air, earth, water). This aspect moves us into new situations and requires releasing something. During my two-week vacation, I realized how much nonstop activity was exhausting me. I am thankful for numerous opportunities but decided to be more selective in 2023. I am just one person and cannot do it all.
Last week two stories illustrated the connection between the two retrograde cycles.
Please take the opportunity to ease into 2023; the energy is tumultuous. The double retrograde of the action planet Mars and communication planet Mercury is bringing scheduling delays, hassles, reversals, and unexpected burdens. Stable Saturn and chaotic Uranus also have a secret conflict; the contra parallel. Structures we thought we could depend on will continue to break down. People will fight against oppression, and some will cause upheaval seemingly without a cause. When frustrated, realize that the tension will lighten by the end of the month.
For myself, a power outage brought two days of stress but relatively minor inconveniences. As I write, the Bay Area is experiencing an apocalyptic storm, so keep us in your thoughts. Also, there were over 20 nominations for the ISAR board. The board cut the list to 7 for voting, and I am not on the ballot. The selected candidates are top-notch.
Athletes are martial figures. Football player Damar Hamlin...
Happy Holidays! I am back from my trip and feeling refreshed. It was beautiful to see the night sky clearly in Mexico, especially watching the Full Moon passes over Mars Rx in Gemini. I discussed several stories related to this lunation on Instagram. However, the clearest one involves international politics, with two martial figures taking flights home. Brittney Griner, the basketball player, imprisoned in a Russian penal colony for having cannabis in her luggage, was swapped for an arms dealer nicknamed the Merchant of Death. Astrology is often literal.
The earth sign of Capricorn rules ambition, responsibility, and success. The sea goat has the persistence and determination to keep going despite setbacks. I suggest focusing on your top goals for 2023 and slowly building an action plan. The...
It is hard to believe that 2022 is coming to a close; how time flies! I am starting a two-week vacation as a docent at my favorite wellness spa as I write this. Airy Gemini rules communication and transportation. The Reporter, the Social Butterfly, and the Gossip are archetypes. The ability to absorb numerous facts and communicate them concisely with panache is a Gemini superpower. How perfect that I will give directions and my opinion on which activities will suit the tastes of new guests. I need the downtime as I live the life of the Two of Pentacles tarot card. It needs to stop. You can only juggle so many balls in the air before a few start to hit the floor. In part, I will use the time to consider how I can most effectively use my energy to benefit myself and the community I serve.
This lunation is tricky. Passionate, fiery Mars is retrograde and tightly conjunct the Moon and opposite the Sagittarius Sun. In mundane astrology, the Moon rules the people, and the Sun...
Eclipse season is to astrologers what tax season is to accountants. There is a never-ending flow of stories highlighting the themes. The headlines now include relationships, values, and economic transformations. The opposition between balance-loving Venus and chain-breaker Uranus was a significant feature of the November 8 lunar eclipse. Venus rules partnerships, love, and desire. What dramatic entrances and exits did you experience? For myself, I canceled my subscription to Hulu because they raised the price yet again. With the Mars retrograde, I am reconsidering how I expended my energy and decided to pull back from an astrology group I was leading. Uranus brings surprises, and I was nominated for the International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR) board. This fantastic organization hosts conferences and provides weekly talks from noteworthy astrologers. If you are a member, please consider voting for me.
I am so proud of my fellow Americans. The Pluto return requires us to...
The central theme of this fall's eclipse season is the transformation of love and business relationships. We walk through a door, and when we look behind us, there is a wall. This time brings fated turning points. The most sensational story is watching Kanye West torch his wealth and status with vitriolic commentary. He has Mercury, the planet of communication, on the feared" beheading" fixed star Algol. He has wielded his verbal sword for many years at other people. This time, it boomeranged and took him out. Transit Mars in Gemini, fighting words, is the drumbeat below his story. It entered the air sign back in August for an extended Gilligan's Island-style stay until March 2023. Mars energizes, stimulates, and motivates. It also cuts and severs.
Kanye is a Gemini Sun and a Pisces Moon. Geminis are here to communicate, Pisces to feel. At the highest level, the combination bestows an individual with the ability to express deep emotions poetically. Perfect for a world-renowned...
It's time to plunge into the dark deep. Watery Scorpio's energy is intense, probing, and passionate. Traveling into the heart of darkness and investigating the shadows is the work. The sign rules sexuality, death, and taboo subjects. The Sun, Moon, and Venus intertwine their cosmic limbs at this amplified New Moon. Over the next month, people may fall in love or be stunned by betrayal. Expect lots of shocks and awe. For years I joked about desiring a meet-cute at the grocery store. Guess what I manifested last week! We shall see how this love story unfolds.
Eclipses are a time of fated events. Our lives great beginnings and endings typically occur when they excite our natal chart. They are portals that pull us forward. We go through a door, and when we look behind us, there is a wall. You may already know your story, as events can occur weeks before the actual lunation. We need to clear space to allow a new beginning. Are you holding onto something that has passed its...
Aries's pioneering, youthful and carefree nature is contagiously hopeful. This feisty and fiery energy leads us to take risks and challenge ourselves. The planet Mars which governs vitality, sexuality, drive, aggression, and anger, rules this sign. This annual lunation invites us to consider how we assert ourselves to meet our needs, especially in our primary relationships. If you let other people's perceptions stop you from conquering new worlds, do some reflection on why. What is driving you to make yourself small?
Evaluate how you react under stress because competition and conflicts will amplify when Mars in Gemini appears to dash backward through the zodiac. A retrograde planet has the potential to cause havoc. The topics it governs will experience delays, reversals, and unexpected returns to previous conditions. The retrograde period from October 30 to January 12 invites us to slow down and reset how we expend our energy.
The fight over women's reproductive rights and privacy...
I am excited to collaborate again with Wise Skies Collective! This calendar is a game-changing tool for anyone who desires a deeper connection with the cosmos. It includes descriptions of every planetary and lunar event. Want to know the optimal times for activities? Need guidance for intention setting or rituals for the new or full moon? Just look at your phone or desktop calendar.
This year’s version includes the dates for the 27-month lunar gestational phases for long-term planning. Buy for yourself or as a gift. I LOVE IT!
The investment is $22 when you use my coupon code: CELESTE15. It is compatible with ios, google calendar, android, mac, any phone, laptop, or device, and updates the time as you travel to different time zones! Install in minutes.
You will receive 3 files - a planetary transits calendar, a moon calendar, and a void of course moon calendar. Install one or all three.
Email with any questions.
To the delight of astrology meme makers, Mercury is in Gatorade again! People are most familiar with scheduling mishaps, exes in the DMs, missed meetings, and broken electronics because the planet rules communication and transportation. During the retrograde transit, the winged messenger appears to stop and move backward. It is an optical illusion, but as above, so below.
Due to the retrograde, Mercury in Libra opposes amplifying Jupiter in Aries three times. Jupiter makes everything bigger, and it governs royalty, wealth, and religion. The biggest story is the death of Queen Elizabeth. Mercury, stationed on her part of fortune, conjunct the fixed star Diadem aka the Crown star. The world paused and looked backward to review her life. You can watch my YouTube video on the astrology of her death chart if you are interested in the fascinating timing of the event.
The other big story is the Ukraine war turning in favor of the Ukrainians when their offensive took back Northern...
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