Celebrate Good Times


Last Saturday was expansive Jupiter's annual meetup with the Sun. It's considered the luckiest day of the year. The Sun's annual embrace is called the cazimi. Death and rebirth symbology are present as old stories are burned off. Jupiter rules religious figures and judges. It educates, broadens, and takes us on long journeys, including to the river Styx. The Sun governs leaders, and it focuses our attention.

On Sunday, the theocratic President of Iran and his top diplomat died in a helicopter crash on a trip to see a dam during bad weather. Jupiter in Taurus translates to a huge Earth structure. The Sun was harmoniously sextile foggy, watery Neptune in Pisces. Astrology is literal. On the same day, the Venus-Uranus conjunction met Israel’s Sun. Was this an accident and a surprise gift, as the power vacuum could lead to instability?

President Raisi, the Butcher of Iran, was a hardline religious leader, a judge, and a descendant of Muhammad, The Son of a Preacher Man...

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Keeping it Simple

The Taurus New Moon invites us to slow down, get embodied, and focus on the practical. This is a much-needed shift after a super intense eclipse season. I encourage you to focus on one or two intentions about what you want to bring to fruition.  Taurus, being a fixed earth sign, encourages us to focus on what is sustainable over time. This lunation is conjunct Uranus, promising awakenings, sudden events, surprises, and reversals.  Can you be flexible and wear the world loosely? To dive deeper into these insights, you can now purchase the recording of the New Moon workshop.

As a faculty member for the Organization of Professional Astrology retreat in Park City, Utah, I am thrilled to invite you to this transformative event, which will take place from October 16 to 21. The early bird pricing has been extended until May 15, offering you a unique opportunity to join at a discounted rate. I will be teaching a Moon Mastery™ intensive, a session that promises to deepen...

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Truth Heals

Apologies for being late with the blog.  I have been tangled in the transits and Mercury retrograde delays. I am honored and delighted to present Moon Mastery™ for the Organization of Professional Astrology (OPA) Retreat in Park City, Utah, from Oct 16 -21. The early bird pricing was extended until May 15.  It is going to be a phenomenal event. Each track is limited to nine people; if you know you want to study with me or one of the other astrologers, don’t hesitate to register.

I could write for hours about all the Apr 20th Jupiter-Uranus conjunction events, but I will focus on a few.  These aspects do not happen in a vacuum. On April 19th, persuasive Venus and communicative Mercury retrograde met in fiery Aries. Together, they collaborate and negotiate. On April 20, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 21 Taurus arrived. Jupiter rules wealth, aid, legal affairs, college campuses, horses, and celebrities.  Uranus rules aviation, revolts, reversals, and...

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Healing the Heart


My view of astrology is that the planetary patterns do not cause anything; they reflect what is happening here on Earth. As above, so below. Part of my work is being an astrological correspondent, explaining what happened and indicating what may come next. I do this for the news and my clients with my work.

While the solar eclipse is exciting for many, there are challenging transits. Any hesitation, do not go. If you travel to see it, be prepared for delays, reversals, and cellular breakdowns. Storms may be worse than expected with Mars and Saturn conjunct in watery Pisces. I suggest you have plenty of food, water, and a fully charged cell phone, and don't let your gas tank get below half full. Consider bringing adult diapers. I am kidding, but not really.

This eclipse is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. For insight into healing the wound based on your natal chart, join the solar eclipse workshop on Sunday. Also, Aries rules the eyes, if you look at the eclipse make sure...

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The Quality of Mercury

A few spots remain in the Transits class I am teaching for Kepler College. Class begins on Saturday, April 6. If you know the basics and want to deepen your ability to create a forecast of upcoming events, this class is for you.

There is beautiful energy with Venus exalted on her throne in the compassionate sign of Pisces. Remember, mercy blesses the one who gives and the other who receives it. Venus is separating from an opportunistic sextile to abundant Jupiter to one with Uranus, the Great Awakener. This planet is a wild card. I hope the lunar eclipse surprises bring you joy. 

 Libra rules diplomacy, the arts, culture, marriage, and judicial matters. Lunar Eclipses bring exposure. We already know several of the stories.

  • The US diplomatic crisis with Israel may come to a head soon. The Biden administration warned Israel not to proceed with a military action in Rafah. The eclipse is happening in the public 10th house of the USA natal chart conjunct the MC (government...
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Embracing the Unexpected

Apologies for the late newsletter. I am thankful for the abundance, but my workload overwhelmed me over the last month. The next week is a time of release. When the Sun enters the sign of Aries on March 19, it starts the astrological year. When you cast a chart in a nation's capital, you can forecast upcoming events for the country. I am teaching a free webinar for Kepler College on March 23 about the Aries Ingress 2024: The Fortunes of a Nation. The Transits Class for Kepler begins on April 6. There are limited seats, so enroll now if you want to take the class.

My work is changing in surprising ways. I am getting clearer psychic downloads. My progressed ascendant moved into Virgo, and it is bringing the details. Stories are coming. It is absolutely wild. I am on a Fool's journey of new beginnings. With an Aries Moon, I jumped in and made predictions on Threads. Aries energy encourages us to take calculated risks, be brave, and pioneer new paths. I am making my own map,...

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Organized Chaos

Pisces season is a time for introspection, slowing down, and releasing. Water signs are mute. Allow yourself to get quiet to hear the voice within. I am teaching a five-week Moon Mastery™ course for Synchronicity University. I love the school’s business model of charging a low price and providing astrology education to thousands of students. Join me for as low as $5 a class. If you want to deepen your connection with your subconscious for self-understanding and to receive tools to manifest a life of more ease, join me.

Celestial Insights Podcast listeners know that I forecast a big event would likely occur in the USA during the First Quarter Moon phase between Feb 16 and 23. The Moon at 27° Taurus was conjunct fixed star Algol, the beheading star, square the Sun at 27° Aquarius. Multiple ancient cultures noted that catastrophes occurred when Algol was activated. The amplifying North Node was on this star when the Ukraine war began. It is also associated with...

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Authentically You


The expansive and innovative Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is getting louder as we move closer to April 20, when it perfects. My story includes broadening (Jupiter) my reach by teaching astrology (Uranus). Astrology is literal; they meet on my natal communicative Mercury in my 11th house of groups and organizations. Jupiter brings opportunity, blesses, and broadens. First, I will teach parts of my Moon Mastery™ Program for Synchronicity University. I am honored and excited to collaborate again with the inspirational Nadiya Shah. Working with a large organization allows me to teach at a  lower price. You can purchase the 5-week course for as low as $5 a class before February 29. If you can afford more, please consider one of the other options to support my work. Stay tuned for additional announcements! Book an astrology consultation if you want to discuss my insights into how this transit may impact you. Alternatively, use the Ask Celeste a Burning Question...

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Exposed and Revealed

Happy Full Moon in Leo, the sign of joy, self-expression, generosity, and confidence. This lunation on the axis of self-expression vs. the collective is powerful. Leo is a fire sign, and its energy invites us to have pride in our talents, encourage others to shine bright, and be passionate about our creations. You can read my first published article about the Aries Ingress for the Evolving Astrologer Magazine.

 It was a delight to teach about the best transit of the year, the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, in last week's webinar. You can view the replay on my YouTube channel. Please like share, and subscribe.

Astrology Foundations 201 starts next Wednesday, January 31, at 5 pm PT. This five-week class is taught live. It is ideal for students who understand the basics of astrology and want to take their chart interpretation skills to the next level.

In mundane astrology, the Sun rules leaders and people in authority, and the Moon rules the people. Aquarius. The Sun is conjunct...

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Yes You Can!

Do you feel the momentum picking up? Get used to it, as this year is going to fly by. The latest Mercury retrograde revelation is that the US Secretary of Defense kept secret an operation to treat prostate cancer. The surgery was on December 22, when Mercury was retrograde. Surgery is ill-advised when Mercury or Mars is moving in reverse motion. Mercury rules the hands and Mars the scalpel. Retrogrades indicate problems, conflicts, reversals, and the collapse of anything contemplated. On January 1, he was re-hospitalized as Mercury turned forward to stomp over its old ground and spill secrets. His urinary tract infection came to light as Mercury in Sagittarius tensely squared Neptune in Pisces. Mercury transports, and Neptune in Pisces weakness dues to infection. Astrology is literal. Will he lose his job for jeopardizing the security of the nation? We shall see if he can survive the first quarter Moon in Aries. This zodiac sign rules the military.

Chaos broke out in Ecuador when a...

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